2019-05-29 | 小编:长安 | 0 |
【Part 1-3真题点评】
Part1:对于PART1常规必考题 Work or study/Accommodation/Hometown,想必同学们都非常熟练了。那么为了给自己的答案增添生动性,除了常规套路以外,我们不妨借鉴PART2话题的细节拓展法,加入更个性化的内容。
本季PART1中经典老题如Reading、Travelling等频繁出现,新题中的Mathematics、Smiling、Borrowing/lending等都是旧题回库,也比较贴近生活,备考时建议多结合自身经历及感受拓展细节。不太熟悉的如Perfume这类新题,建议参考旧题库中的Sunglasses/Jewelry等话题的答题套路,从品牌、类型、用途、喜好等方面切入来准备。另外,Places to play这类话题的准备中,可以加入时态变换、今昔对比等技巧,凸显语言运用能力。
Part 2:本季PART2人物类话题明显增多,但基本都是历年旧题重现,所以整体难度略有下降,建议同学们抓住机会哦;地点类话题整体数量下降,城市旅行类低频,设施建筑类高频;物品类话题占比仍然较高,而且抽象题较多,建议同学们分配多一点时间准备;事件类话题换汤不换药,持续稳定。值得注意得是,本季PART2新题有不少与上季题库中同类话题相似,如媒体类话题"Describe a film or TV program that made you laugh. "变成了新题"Describe a game or quiz show you saw on TV."准备的时候不妨将前一题的语料来一个匹配迁移,相信可以事半功倍。
Part 3:PART3是Two way discussion,重点在于多角度切入,并且展现出同学们能够深入讨论问题的语言能力和思辨能力。对于这部分的准备,建议明确答题的逻辑及框架结构,注重平时阅读外刊,积累观点及表达,相信对于冲击高分会有比较大的帮助。
Describe a singer or band that you like
You should say:
Who the singer is
When you knew him or her
What he did
And explain why you like the singer/ the band
这是一道经典的人物类话题,要求考生来描述一个你喜欢的歌手或乐队。建议同学们从自己的兴趣爱好入手,语料准备既得心应手又真情实感,相信说起来能文思如泉涌并且情感丰沛,说服力十足。同时比照本季另一道人物类话题"Describe a foreign star that you would like to meet."如果你喜欢的是外国歌手,那语料准备不正是一石二鸟吗?
album 专辑
on the cover 在封面上
from the first sight 一眼就...
release albums 出专辑
bestseller 畅销品
talent 天赋
build a good relationship 建立良好的关系
gossip 八卦,流言蜚语
depressed 消沉的,沮丧的
I'd like to talk about Taylor Swift, who is one of the most popular singers around the world in recent years and also, my favourite singer.
I knew her for the first time on an English magazine called Crazy English about ten years ago, when I was in middle high school. There was a photo of her new albums on the cover and my attention was attracted from the first sight. She has released six albums and each of them is bestsellers. And recently she is preparing for the seventh.
I like her not only because of her talent in music but also her brilliant personality. She cares her fans and tries to build a good relationship with them. She would visit her fans in hospital and invite them to her house for the new song. She would sent thanks video to fans for their supports. The most important thing is that she is a strong woman and can find a way to prove her ability. Last few years, Taylor was misunderstood by the public because of some gossips. She was not depressed but wrote a new album to prove her talent.