2019-06-17 小编:长安 1



  [作文类型] 线状图

  [作文题目] The chart below shows the number (thousands) of four kinds of students in the UK in 1990, 1998, and 2005.



  1.注意描述动态图的核心语料,包含the number / UK students/ the kinds 等词汇的准确替换,以及描写各个时间段趋势和程度变化的词汇和句型多样性。

  2.注意概括和比较,年份的概括可以分阶段进行by stage, Body 1 写1990 -1998 整体上变化不是很大。Body 2 写1998-2005 学生数量呈现明显的上升。


  [作文题目] Human activity has negative effects on plant animal species. Some people think it is too late to do anything. Some people believe that effective act should be taken to improve this solution. Discuss both views and give your opinion

  [题目分析] 双方观点类作文,讨论两边观点并给出个人观点

  [题材类别] 环境

  [思路分析] 保护环境和自然资源 困难, 可以从个人和社会两个层面分析其原因,不需要在主体段针对自然原因进行分析,因为题干中给出的human activity 意味着我们在文章中写出的原因是要受到局限性的。另外too late 这个概念也应该明晰,指的是已经造成了非常严重的不可逆转的后果个人层面可以写人们的价值取向- 做出了哪些人类活动- 对动植物造成了怎样的影响,社会层面,动植物遭到破坏。

  Body 2:写政府和个人应该采取措施- 解决植被破坏和动物濒危问题


  The mass extinction of some species including plants and animals, along with the degrading environment they live in, is inextricably bound up with human activities in the recent century, albeit some, if any, natural factors. While some may argue that to correct these wrongs would be a mission that is impossible to achieve, I would say that with political willings and individual efforts jointed, the worrying situation could be alleviate in no time.

  People living in modern society is oriented with material satisfaction and economic figures. They forget when the chemical fertilizers and pesticides are overloaded to the soil, the hardened soil would be no home to important members of the ecological system. They also forget when the bleached sheets in the hotel, usually situated in scenic spots,  are changed frequently, the whitening cleansers may jeopardize the living context of aquatic creatures. They forget when they are counting  the sales volume popped up due to the large scale factories, the smog and particular matters are contaminating the atmosphere and cause acid rain that terminates lives in sky, land and sea.

  However, these issues could be resolved unless joint efforts were undertaken on both individual and societal level, because this is not only a threat for individuals but also for society as a whole. First, governments have a role to play. Laws and legislations have already been available, and promoting a low-carbon lifestyle would probably shed more lights on alleviating the living environment of plants and species. For example, if huge tax penalties would be implemented on the cars that burn fossil fuels, the factories that generate fogs and the farmland owners that uses heavy pesticides, less carbon footprints would be generated and less fresh water polluted. Second,  when the authorities could popularize the negative effects of certain human activities on the species related, the general public would have better awareness to change their lifestyle and root environmental protection into their daily routine.

  In conclusion, human activities have by no means been able to escape from the responsibility of impaired living environment and sources of plants and animals and with authoritative highlights and individual moves, theses challenges could be removed gradually.

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